오늘아침 화보찍어러가기전...존피 i'm not a morning person lol

어제 힙플라디오~ AOMGXHI-LITE hip hop playa radio!

오늘화보찍었음..무슨화보일까? 2월달까지기달리삼~ ㅋㅋdid a photoshoot today~

왼쪽사진 부산콘서트 ..오른쪽 화보를위에 4일 열심히운동한결과 ㅋㅋㅋ 투어끝나고 여유생겨서 다시음악작업 하고 운동할수있어서 좋네 ㅋㅋ on the left is a week and a half ago at the busan concert...pic on the right is 4 days of working out!! now that the tour is over i can focus on working out and music again! feels good 2014 AOMG!