Jay Park Showcase in Malaysia

Published on May 14, 2012 by in Buzz, Music

Korean-American singer Jay Park is here in Malaysia for the weekend. The 25 year-old talent performed at KL Live to a full house. Over 1,000 fans came for the event which was organized by DiGi Live Kpop.

Jay Park Showcase Malaysia

Malaysia, you’re my last stop for this tour.
I’m going to show you an awesome time!

Jay Park is here to promote his 1st album – New Breed.

The host for the night was none other than Baki Zainal (who is also the host of 8TV Nite Live). Baki announced that Kuala Lumpur is the last stop for Jay’s showcase tour and the Malaysia event will be recorded! Fans went wild when they heard this.

At around 8:30pm, Jay appears and starts with “Nothin’ On You“. Next he sang “I Got Ur Back” and four dancers joined him on stage.

Baki goofs around while Jay watches the belated birthday greetings on the giant screens

Jay Park then watches belated birthday greetings from his Malaysian fans. Some sang to him, some wished him and some made lovely cards and gifts for him. Jay was noticeably touched by this gesture. Even more so when he turned 25 on April 25th! So this is indeed a belated birthday surprise. He says he feels so welcomed after watching the video.

Malaysian Jaywalkers (Jay Park die-hard fans) representatives then came to present him with a birthday cake and gifts galore. They had Malaysian stamps of him made (awesome or what?). They also presented Jay with special custom-made smartphone covers and a yellow Jaywalker t-shirt!

Jaywalkers Malaysia

Gifts for our main man…

After the birthday wishes and the crowd lovingly sang “Happy Birthday” to Jay, it was game time. Four fans were called up on stage. The girls have to dance to “Know Your Name” and the best dancer gets to take a photo with Jay!

Dance with me Jay!

The winner sneakily sashayed over to Jay and danced with him! Yes, she was so daring and it was fun to watch. The crowd cheered loudly!

After the games, Jay performed Up & Down, Know Your Name and the last song of the night was Girlfriend.

Lastly, there was an autograph session where he signed his New Breed album and posters!

Sexy female dancer appeared during Know Your Name

Malaysian girls…be mine?

Taking a pic with his Malaysian fans

Sad faces. Awww…don’t go!