여러 스타들이 인터넷과 소셜미디어(트위터,유투브 등등)를 이용하는거에 대한 주제였는데
예시로 비욘세,제니퍼 로페즈,마돈나,저스틴 비버와 함께 박재범이 소개됨!
아이튠즈 U.S.A/캐나다/덴마크 등등  R&B차트에서 1위했던것과 함께ㅋㅋ

같이 나왔던 자료는
"Korean pop stars have really capitalize on the social media phenomenon. They have used Youtube to make their brand of music called KPop huge. For example, R&B singer jay park's songs and albums have been number #1 on iTunes charts in the USA, Canada, and Denmark, and as one executive puts it, 'Thanks to Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, Jay Park is not just an artist, but also his own PR agent, fan club president and TV network."
예전에 뉴욕타임즈에 나왔던 기사를 사용함~