Just because I wanted to have a separate album for him. /winks

PS: In case you want a larger copy of any photo from this album, please feel free to message or e-mail (paulino_erika26[at]yahoo[dot]com) me ;D

PPS: The photos in this album have no watermarks, but please be reminded that these were taken for the PHILIPPINE KPOP CONVENTION, so please do credit properly if you're going to use/take any of them. Thank you.

더 큰 사이즈 사진을 원하면, paulino_erika26@yahoo.com 로 이메일이나 메시지 보내주세요

사진에 로고가 안 적혀 있지만, 이 사진들은  PHILIPPINE KPOP CONVENTION를 위해 찍혀진 것이니, 사용할때 출처를 적절히 밝혀주세요.


